Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tipe Jenis Bra Wanita Yang Disukai Pria

Rafi Orilya, Beha adalah pakaian dalam yang digunakan manusia berjenis kelamin perempuan. Beha dipakai oleh perempuan yang telah memiliki payudara yang telah matang. Beha juga ditulis dengan BH atau biasa juga disebut kutang atau bra. Beha atau yang disingkat dengan BH merupakan kependekan dari kata Belanda, yakni Buste Houder, yang diserap dalam bahasa Indonesia cuma singkatannya saja. Nama populernya di Indonesia adalah kutang. Namun sekarang ini kata bra sudah mulai menggeser kata "beha" ini, kata yang berasal dari bahasa Prancis, brassiere dan diterima dalam bahasa Indonesia melalui bahasa Inggris.

Strapless Bra
Beha tanpa tali bahu. Didesain saat mengenakan baju dengan bagian bahu terbuka, seperti baju model halterneck.
*Dengan strapless bra anda akan terlihat menarik dimata pria anda.

Push-up Bra
Beha dengan struktur khusus hingga payudara begitu terangkat dan tertata saling berdekatan hingga belahan payudara terlihat indah. Beha ini memiliki padding busa karet atau gel silikon. Perbedaan utama padding beha biasa dengan push up beha adalah letaknya yang terpusat di bawah payudara sehingga payudara akan terangkat. Terkadang padding diletakkan terpusat di bagian luar payudara hingga padding tersebut akan mendorong payudara lebih ke tengah, dan belahan payudara terlihat lebih seksi.
*Dengan push-up bra anda akan terlihat lebih sexy saat bersama dengan pria anda.

Cupless Bra
Beha tipe ini memiliki "bingkai" bra, tapi tidak memiliki cup bra. Beha ini memperlihatkan bagian areola dan puting payudara dengan bingkainya. Beha ini biasa dipakai sebagai erotic lingerie, sehingga saat wanita mengenakan gaun malam, puting akan terlihat secara samar-samar.
*Dengan Cupless bra pria akan lebih suka berlama-lama menatap anda. Anda akan telihat lebih HOT dipandangan pria.

Convertible Bra
Beha tipe ini memiliki tali pengait belakang, yang dapat dipasang dan diatur dengan beberapa cara. Dapat menjadi model biasa atau model silang, dapat pula dipasang memakai tali plastik transparan.
*Bra ini memberikan kesan menarik untuk dilihat bagi para pria.

Peephole Bra
Beha ini memiliki lubang di cup, persis di sekitar puting. Menjadikan payudara akan lebih indah.
*Dengan Peephole bra pria anda akan lebih nyaman berada bersama anda.

Underwire Bra (Ber-renda)
Beha yang didesain untuk memberi daya topang dan kekuatan ektsra. Beha ini dilengkapi kawat di bagian bawah cup untuk menciptakan daya topang yang kuat ke payudara.
*Tipe bra biasa yang ber-renda yang selalu menjadi idaman para pria.

Model, Tipe Jenis Celana Dalam Wanita Yang disukai Pria

Taukah anda?
Memijat dan Meremas Menurunkan Resiko Kanker Payudara

Bagaimana? Tertarik dengan salah satu tipe bra diatas?
Silakan gunakan untuk membuat pasangan anda merasa nyaman berasa didekat anda, dan membuat hubungan menjadi lebih harmonis.
Jika ada tambahan tipe yang menurut anda suka, silahkan berkomentar.

Kami tunggu komentar dari anda, semoga postingan kali ini bermanfaat.
Perkanankanlah untuk berkomentar dan klik iklan dibawah, sebagai ucapan terima kasih.

Termima Kasih
Rafi Orilya Groups
by Rafi Aldiansyah Asikin

Monday, March 30, 2015

Scotch Eggs – This is an Easter Egg You Want in Your Basket

I’ve gotten so many requests for Scotch eggs over the years, I figured with the Easter holiday coming up, the timing was right to post this fried miracle of culinary engineering. In my version, I keep the egg soft, so when you bite in, you get that amazing contrast in texture between the molten yolk and the crispy sausage shell.

This is traditionally a picnic item, so the hard-boiled egg makes sense in that setting, but as far as serving it as a snack, or for a first course, maybe with a salad, I highly recommend the softer approach.

If you use the exact measurements below, the times given should get you pretty close to what you see here, but there are variables. In a carton of eggs, depending on the source, you’ll notice small, but significant size variations. You may want to test your times on the soft-boiled stage before proceeding.

Another factor is whether or not you chill these before frying. If you make them the day before, then I’d add a minute to the frying time. Keep in mind that the frying is to cook the sausage, and just heat the egg through, so you should cook the yolk to the doneness you want when the Scotch egg is cut open.

Your best bet is to make a few extra, and test your frying time before service. Trust me, you’ll enjoy this step. By the way, I have no idea if this works in the oven. I’m guessing it could, but I can’t help you out with any specifics. I really hope you give these amazing Scotch eggs a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 6 Scotch Eggs:
6 large eggs, right out of the fridge
*steam 6 minutes as shown for soft yolks

3.5 ounces of Italian sausage meat per egg (about 1/2 cup)
*I did 6, and used exactly 21 ounces of sausage.
pinch nutmeg
pinch cayenne
1/4 tsp mustard powder

white flour, 2 beaten eggs, and enough panko breadcrumbs to bread 6 eggs
(I don’t measure such things)

Fry at 350 F. for 5-6 minutes to keep a soft yolk center. Add another minute for Scotch eggs that have been thoroughly chilled before frying. 

Next Up: Scotch Eggs

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Cara Membuat dan Mendapat Backlink Mudah Terbaru 2015

Cara Membuat dan Mendapat Backlink Mudah Terbaru 2015

Rafi Orilya, Backlink? saat ini banyak dicari oleh para owner suatu web/blog tentunya untuk meningkatkan traffic dan SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Banyak cara untuk mendapatkan backlink yang akan menuju ke web anda. Namun disini kita akan membahas beberapa cara yang sudah pernah saya coba dan sangat berpengaruh bagi web saya.

Namun jika anda pemilik dari suatu website janganlah mengandalkan backlink jika ingin website anda menjadi No.1 (Page One) di Pencarian Mbah Google. Tingkatkan juga kualitas dari artikel/postingan, updatelah secara rutin untuk mempertahankan posisi anda. Agar Google selalu percaya pada situs anda untuk menempati posisi 1 terus menerus.

Baik, kali ini langkah untuk mendapatkan backlink dengan mudah 2015.

Ikuti langkah berikut :

1. Kunjungi website : http://www.frontmega.com
* FrontMega. adalah sebuah situs direktori untuk menyimpan berbagai website/blog yang anda miliki serta mendapatkan backlink dari situs ini.

2. Silakan klik & pilih "ADD BACKLINK"
* Baca juga syarat & ketentuan, serta cara submit lebih lengkapnya

Cara Membuat dan Mendapat Backlink Mudah Terbaru 2015

# Akan tampil form-form yang harus anda isi

3. Isi semua form yang disuguhkan.
* Masukkan nama situs, url, kutipan singkat, KATEGORI, KEYWORD
* Screenshot web tidaklah penting karena sistem akan otomatis screenshot website anda.
* Masukkan Captcha
Cara Membuat dan Mendapat Backlink Mudah Terbaru 2015

4. Klik Send

Maka akan tampil seperti berikut :
Cara Membuat dan Mendapat Backlink Mudah Terbaru 2015

Maka website anda telah berhasil disubmit, silahkan tunggu dalam waktu 1x24 jam.
Namun jika dalam waktu tersebut web anda tidak tampil, berarti tidak disetujui.
Seperti kutipan dalam halaman tersebut.
"Apabila dalam waktu tersebut website anda belum ditampilkan berarti kami tidak menyetujuinya."

Nah selesai anda telah pasang backlink, mulailah untuk memperbaiki kualitas dari artikel dan update secara berkala. Semoga website anda selalu menepati no.1 (Page One) di Google.

Sekian dulu tutorial kali ini semoga bermanfaat, jangan lupa kirimkan komentarnya BOS.

Terima Kasih
Rafi Orilya Groups
by Rafi Aldiansyah Asikin

Friday, March 27, 2015

Kumpulan Cara, Tutorial, Trik, Method, Tools Hacking Carding 2015

Kumpulan Cara, Tutorial, Trik, Method, Tools Hacking Carding 2015

Rafi Orilya, hasi sobat semua lagi cari tutorial carding atau yang lainnya? nah disini kami sudah sediakan banyak sekali link yang dapat didownload dengan mudah sebagai pembelajaran anda semoga bermamfaat.
Daftar link dibawah berisi sebagi berikut :
* Tutorial
* Script SCAM
* Script Mailler
* Script Trik Internet
* Tool Hacking
* Tool Carding
* Method Carding
* Result Carding
* List Account
* List Email
dan lain-lain

Cara mendownload :
1. Klik link dibawah
2. Tunggu 15 detik anda akan dialihkan
3. Klik Next

Cukup mudah bukan?
Silahkan download file yang anda perlukan, jangan lupa kirimkan komentar dibawah.

Berikut adalah link Kumpulan Cara, Tutorial, Trik, Method, Tools Hacking Carding 2015 :


$280.27 With Clickbanks.pdf


16006 Dork Web store


51.000 facebook user email by TN

61.000+ Email + Pass ( Belum di Checker )

7 Million (juta) mail list ( buat spam )

Account Creator Extreme 4.01 By TN

Admefast FB Pagelike 

Google Adsense Tracker by TN

Atomic Email Sender 4.2 By TN


Atomic Email Hunter350 (Nyari Maillist tertarget) by TN

Auto Like Facebook

BacklinkSpeed24 By TN

Beberapa Tips Dalam Melakukan Carding

Belajar Mengenai Google DORK

BOT Like Instagram by Koceng

Bypass Paypal Error Send Balance

Bypass Paypal SM 

Cara Menggunakan CC hasil card*ng

Cara Order di Ebay

Cashout Paypal melalui Ebay

Contoh WEB VULN (Target Havij or Sql)

Crr Tools V3.15 by Chororo

Ddos Attacker

Cara Cepat Dapat Bitcoin (No Mining)

Website SOCKS5 Gratis

GET TOKEN (NOKIA) Facebook by Koceng

Google Scrapper by TN (Joss)

Google+ Plus bot Cracked by TN

Gr3enox Exploit Scanner


HAVIJ 1.6 Pro

HAVIJ Portable

Instagram Get Pro by TN

Mengembangkan DORK ( Carding )

Mengenal Credit Card Tipe ,Level,Dob,SSN,VBV,Non VBV,DLL

Method Lazada

Method Ebay

Paypal scam 2015 (VBV+BANK+BILLING)

Paypal yang ada (contoh)

Pembelajaran Carding



Script Facebook Bot Auto Inbox by Koceng


Send Balance dan Cashout Paypal Unverified to be verified

Simple SQLI DORK Scanner
















TUTORIAL 4 - Pengembangan DORK

Bagaimana? kurang? masih banyak ko kumpulan script seperti ini, silahkan cari dipencarian.
Sekian dulu post kali ini semoga bermanfaat..

Terima Kasih Tanpa Nama (TN)
Terima Kasih
Rafi Orilya Groups
by Rafi Aldiansyah Asikin

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Demi-Glace: Part 2 – Half Again

I could’ve squeezed this stuff into the last video (Demi-Glace Part 1), but it was already too long, and I didn’t want to rush through what’s just as important information. Plus, I really wanted to show some more gelatinized sauce slapping. People really seem to enjoy that, maybe a little too much.

Once you go through all the trouble of making homemade demi-glace, you’ll want to make sure you portion and store it properly, so that it provides you with many months of stellar sauces. 

As seen in the video, you should get 16 nice blocks, each enough for about two servings, depending on the sauce. As amazing as this stuff is when used as a simple pan sauce, stay tuned for a few proper demi-based sauces at some point. I’ve always wanted to do a bordelaise sauce, and now we can. 

Besides using this for sauces, you can also throw a block into braised dishes like short ribs, or coq au vin, and you take something already pretty great, and make it truly memorable. I hope you give homemade demi-glace a try soon. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Demi-Glace: Part 1 – Feel the Veal

If you saw the post from earlier today, you know this video has been delayed do to mysterious, and near catastrophic audio problems, but finally we have the first “demi” of the recipe, and I hope it was worth the wait.

This is my technique for veal demi-glace, and there’s not much to it. I’m going for a pure veal stock reduction, fortified with nothing more than mirepoix and tomato. I don’t do the classic roux-based “espagnole” sauce, which is traditionally mixed with veal stock and reduced by half.

Modern versions like this forgo the flour, and simply reduce the stock until the natural gelatin from the bones thickens things up. You get a much more intensely flavored sauce, with a wonderfully luxurious mouthfeel. I also usually make a pure version of the stock without the traditional “bouquet garni,” which is a very classic bundle of herbs and spices, usually wrapped and tied in a piece of leek.

It looks pretty, but I can add any or all of those flavors anytime I want, and we’re also always going to use this as a base for other sauces and applications, all of which bring their own herb and spice blends. Basically, like to keep my options open.

Stay tuned for part two, where I’ll show you what to do with this life-changing liquid, as well as how to portion and store it for many months of brown sauce nirvana. I hope you call your butcher and order some veal bones soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 3-4 quarts of Demi-Glace:
10 lbs veal bones, joints and marrow bones
1 tbsp vegetable oil
4 carrots, cut in 2-inch pieces
3 onions, cut in eighths (I did without thinking, but you don’t have to peel the onions)
4 ribs celery, cut in 2-inch pieces
1 (6-oz) can tomato paste
*10 quarts water

*While the stock simmers very, very gently for 18 hours, the level will drop a few inches in the pot, which is fine, but if it seems like the liquid level is getting low, add a few cups of water in.

We're Having Technical Difficulties!

Just a little heads-up that I’m having some serious issues with the audio on today’s video. Eventually I’ll figure it out, but there will be a delay publishing the video this afternoon. Wish me luck, and as always, stay tuned!


Next Up: Demi-Glace

Friday, March 20, 2015

Avgolemeno Soup – Totally Epic

Avgolemeno is one of those soups that I’ve made many times, but rarely from scratch. It’s usually a “there’s nothing in the house” type of thing, made with a carton of broth. Even in its quick-and-easy form, it’s a delicious, and comforting meal, but when you use a fresh, whole chicken, it becomes epic.

By the way, I mean “epic” as in ancient Greek poetry, not hipster cliché. Okay, I mean it both ways. Speaking of whole chickens, that’s your big decision here. If you want chicken meat in your soup, then you’ll only want to simmer the bird for about an hour, or just until cooked through.

This way you get a nice broth, and the meat will still be flavorful when you add it back in. If you don’t want meat in the soup, which by the way, is how my wife Michele much prefers it, then keep simmering until the chicken falls apart and all the flavor has been extracted into the broth.

Some recipes call for orzo pasta in this, but I like the Arborio rice. I think it gives just the right amount of starchiness and body, but any rice or small pasta will work here. The perfect amounts of lemon and egg are also up to you, and experimentation is recommended. I really hope you give this classic Greek soup a try soon. Enjoy!

Makes 6 Servings Avgolemeno Soup: 
1 whole chicken, about 3 pounds
3 quarts cold water
2 tsp salt at least, plus more to taste
1 onion, chopped
1 carrot, chopped
2 ribs celery, chopped
2 bay leaves
1/4 tsp dried oregano leaves
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2 cups finely diced onion
2/3 to 3/4 cup Arborio rice, depending on how thick you like it
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
pinch of cayenne

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Crunchy Spiced Chickpeas – Margaritas Sold Separately

There’s a Mexican joint Michele and I go to once in a while, that serves a complimentary bowl of spicy, fried chickpeas when you sit down to eat. In the restaurant biz they call this a “loss leader.”

That’s where you give away something cheap to help sell something expensive, and by something expensive, I mean handcrafted margaritas and artisan beers…sold to people like me, who, for some strange reason, are suddenly thirsty.

While I’m hip to the true motive, it’s still a very nice touch, and a periodic reminder of what a great, highly additive snack this is. As in, only make single batches at a time, because you will eat everything you make.

As I mentioned in the video, this works exactly the same using rinsed, canned beans, but dry beans are much cheaper, and get a little crunchier. Obviously, you have free reign with the spices, so I suggest making a few different batches, trying different combinations.

No matter what you come up with, it will be significantly better than any of those salty snacks from the supermarket. I hope you give these easy, oven-fried chickpeas a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 snack-sized portions Crunchy Spiced Chickpeas:
1 cup dry chickpeas, aka garbanzo beans, soaked for 24 hours
2 tbsp olive oil
season to taste with salt, freshly ground black pepper, cumin, paprika, and cayenne, OR literally any spices you like

- Bake at 400 F. for about an hour, tossing occasionally, until browned and crunchy/crispy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Kisah Rasulullah SAW tentang "Pemimpin Yang Baik"

Suatu ketika Rasulullah SAW menjadi imam shalat. Para sahabat yang menjadi makmum di belakangnya mendengar bunyi menggerutup seolah-olah sendi-sendi pada tubuh Rasulullah bergeser antara satu sama lain.

Sayidina Umar yang tidak tahan melihat keadaan baginda itu langsung bertanya setelah selesai sholat,

Ya Rasulullah, kami melihat seolah-olah tuan menanggung penderitaan yang amat berat, apakah Anda sakit?

Namun Rasulullah menjawab,
Tidak. Alhamdulillah, aku sehat dan segar.

Mendengar jawaban ini Sahabat Umar melanjutkan pertanyaannya,

Lalu mengapa setiap kali Anda menggerakkan tubuh, kami mendengar seolah-olah sendi bergesekan di tubuh tuan? Kami yakin engkau sedang sakit…

Melihat kecemasan di wajah para sahabatnya, Rasulullah pun mengangkat jubahnya. Para sahabat amat terkejut. Ternyata perut Rasulullah yang kempis, kelihatan dililiti sehelai kain yang berisi batu kerikil untuk menahan rasa lapar. Batu-batu kecil itulah yang menimbulkan bunyi-bunyi halus setiap kali tubuh Rasulullah bergerak.

Umar memberanikan diri berkata,

Ya Rasulullah! Adakah bila Anda menyatakan lapar dan tidak punya makanan, lalu kami hanya akan tinggal diam?

Rasulullah menjawab dengan lembut,

Tidak para sahabatku. Aku tahu, apa pun akan engkau korbankan demi Rasulmu ini. Tetapi apakah yang akan aku jawab di hadapan Allah nanti, apabila aku sebagai pemimpin, menjadi beban bagi umatnya?

Para sahabat hanya tertegun. Rasulullah melanjutkan,

Biarlah kelaparan ini sebagai hadiah Allah buatku, agar umatku kelak tidak ada yang kelaparan di dunia ini lebih-lebih lagi tiada yang kelaparan di Akhirat kelak.

[Renungkanlah.com /nu.or.id]

Terima Kasih
Rafi Orilya Groups
by Rafi Aldiansyah Asikin

Cara Mudah Membuat Domain Gratis Terbaru 2015

Rafi Orilya, Hai sobat semua.. sedang mencari domain gratiskah? Yap banyak ko tersebat di internet. Sobat semua bisa mendapatkannya dengan mudah tanpa membayar sepeserpun keluar dari dompet anda.
Karena ada banyak domain gratis yang tersebar. Sekarang kami hanya memberikan nama-nama domain yang berkualitas saja. So pasti bisa terindex google mestinya dong.

Nah bagaimana cara membuatnya silahkan ikuti petunjuk pada masing-masing web tersebut.
So pasti MUDAH kok caranya.

Berikut adalah list domain gratis yang bisa anda dapatkan dengan mudah :

Domain .science
Baru pernah dengarkan? nah ini adalah domain keren pertama yang bisa didapatkan dengan gratis.
Kerenkan klo punya domain kaya orang sains gitu? hehe
Berikut link registernya : http://register.science/

Domain .ga / .cf / .ml
Domain gratis yang disediakan ada beberapa macam, so tinggal pilih saja mana yang cocok.
Saya juga pakai salah satu dari domain itu, nih contohnya : http://frontme.ga
Berikut link registernya : http://freenom.com/en/index.html

Domain .tk
Domain ini pasti pernah dengerkan? yap sudah banyak yang menggunakan domain ini.
Sudah lama domain ini dapat diregister dengan gratis, nah gaperlu ragukan?
Berikut link registernya : http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html

Domain .uni.me
Domain ini jarang digunakan oleh orang ya soalnya banyak juga yang belum tahu, tapi kalau sobat pengin coba silahkan saja.
Berbeda itu keren dong, hehe..
Berikut link registernya : http://www.uni.me/index.php

Ini tambahan domain yang unik yang bisa didaftarkan secara gratis juga lho..

Domain .cu.cc - http://www.registry.cu.cc
Domain .co.vu - http://codotvu.com/
Domain .co.nr - http://www.freedomain.co.nr

Bagaimana? Tertarik mencoba?
Kapan lagi kalau bukan sekarang, siapa tahu besok gada yang gratis. Seengganya pernah mencicipi, hehe..

Nah sudah dulu ya sob, semoga share kali in bermanfaat lho..
Kalau sudah baca jangan lupa komentarnya yah, oke deh!

Rafi Orilya Groups
by Rafi Aldiansyah Asikin

Bacon-Wrapped Buffalo Meatloaf – What Have You Herd?

On paper, using ground buffalo in place of beef for something like a bacon-wrapped meatloaf is a no-brainer. It’s sustainably raised, low fat, and by most accounts, nutritionally superior to your average feedlot cow. The only problem is, it doesn’t work that well.

Most people who replace their ground beef with buffalo, in recipes like meatballs, burgers, and meatloaf, are usually disappointed. Ground buffalo is much leaner than ground beef, which is the biggest challenge. In case you’re new, it’s the fat that provides most of the flavor and moisture. Also, for whatever reason, pre-packaged buffalo is ground very fine, almost to a paste, which can lead to a rubbery meatloaf, unless you use a few tricks.

To make up for the lack of fat, we’ll not only wrap this in strips of bacon, but use some in the meatloaf mixture as well. To hedge our bets, we will also use lots of ground vegetables, and fresh breadcrumbs, which will provide much-needed moisture, and improve the tenderness.

This produces a meatloaf that really does melt in your mouth. The only dilemma you’re going to have is whether to tell your picky friends and family that this isn’t beef. Do you tell them before? Or, do you play it safe, and wait until they’re raving about it, before spilling the beans bison? Either way, I hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 6 large portions Bacon-Wrapped Buffalo Meatloaf:
2 tbsp butter
2 strips bacon for frying in butter
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
1 carrot, cubed
1 rib celery, sliced
1 bell pepper, chopped (any color or combo will work)
4 button mushrooms, quartered
3 cloves garlic
2 cups (not packed) fresh breadcrumbs
1/4 cup milk
1 large egg
1/4 tsp dried rosemary, or 2 tsp of freshly chopped)
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp fresh ground black pepper
*2 to 3 tsp kosher salt, or to taste
pinch of cayenne
2 lbs ground buffalo meat
7-8 strips thick cut bacon, or enough to wrap the meatloaf.

*to check for seasoning, once everything is mixed, fry a small piece of the meatloaf mixture and taste. Adjust if necessary, and recheck.

For the glaze:
2 tbsp rice vinegar
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp Dijon mustard

- Bake at 350°F for about an hour, or until you reach an internal temperature of 155°F. If desired, remove the meatloaf halfway through the cooking time, and apply a glaze.

Serve with a gravy made from the pan drippings, or use this easy mushroom sauce recipe from another meatloaf video. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Attn: Lads and Lasses

I just wanted to take a break from the buffalo and bacon meatloaf video I'm working on to share a few St. Patrick's Day menu ideas. I know it's going to be hard to concentrate after hearing about buffalo and bacon meatloaf, but if you can pull it together, take a peek at some of my favorite Irish-inspired recipes below. Just click on the title to see the original post and ingredients. Enjoy!

Irish Pork Stew with Baby Cabbage

Okay, so they're Brussels sprouts, but still, this was one of the best Irish stews I've ever had. 

Shepherd’s Pie

A classic comfort food your flock will, well, flock to. 

Coconut Milk Corned Beef and Cabbage

I gave the most traditional St. Patrick's Day recipe a little twist. Actually, a pretty big twist.


The name has nothing to do with viking-killing leprechauns.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Scallop Gratin – When it Comes to Scallops, Dry is Good

As far as I’m concerned, a simple gratin is the most delicious way to cook fresh scallops. The technique is infinitely adaptable, and as long as you’re keeping an eye on things during the broiler step, not a lot can go wrong. In fact, the only real way to screw this recipe up would be to use the wrong scallops.

And by “wrong,” I mean any that have been soaked in a preservative brine. These are easy to identify, as they’re usually sitting in a pool of milky liquid. What you want are usually sold as wild “day-boat,” “diver,” or “dry-pack” scallops. They are really expensive, and worth every penny.

Brined scallops have an unpleasant aftertaste, leak out tons of water, and shrink down to nothing. Other than that, they’re great. Ideally you’re getting your scallops fresh, but frozen will work, as long as the ingredient label says nothing but “scallops.” You’ll also want to thaw them slowly, and pat dry thoroughly before using.

This is a great dish for parties, as you can prep your ramekins ahead of time, and then pop them in the oven when you’re ready. I can’t give exact times, since this will depend on the size of your scallops, and dish, but just start in a nice hot oven for a few minutes, and then finish under the broiler, until browned and just cooked through. When the scallops spring back to the touch, they should be done.

Like I said in the video, if you’re not confident cooking seafood, and/or haven’t worked with scallops before, this gratin is a great place to start. I hope you give it a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 portions:
1/4 cup crème fraiche
1 teaspoon lemon zest
Pinch of cayenne
Pinch of salt
1/4 cup decent white wine
8 fresh scallops (mine were trimmed, but if need be, pull off any “feet,” which are tough, small pieces of muscle sometimes attached to the side of the scallop)
2 tablespoon melted butter, plus more as needed
2 tsp chopped fresh tarragon
2 tablespoon finely grated Parmesan
French bread to dip

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Irish Soda Bread – Better Than a Pot of Gold

St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with a loaf or two of Irish soda bread? If made correctly, this is one of the best quick breads (those leavened without yeast) you’ll ever have. Subtly sweet, with a light, tender crumb, and not at all dry. 

Done wrong, it’s worse than not having any at all. I’ve had some that were not only dry and crumbly, but had such a strong chemical aftertaste, I wondered if I was being poisoned. Okay, so I’m a bit paranoid, but the point is, this is not one of those recipes loaded with spoonfuls of baking powder and soda.

We’re using just enough soda to react with the acid in the buttermilk, and then hedging our bets with a teaspoon of baking powder. That’s really all you need. Speaking of buttermilk, this is one of those recipes, where you can substitute with your own homemade equivalent. Just use the same amount of whole milk, but add 1 tablespoon, plus 2 teaspoons, of either lemon juice or white vinegar to the wet ingredients. It’s the tanginess and acid we need, so that will work just about the same.

By the way, if you’re not into the more breakfasty version I did here, this is very simple to convert into a savory bread. Leave out the dried fruit, maybe cut down the honey a little, and you’ll have something wonderful to serve with soups and stews. I hope you give this a try very soon. Enjoy!

Makes 2 loaves of Irish Soda Bread:
3 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup quick-cooking oatmeal or regular rolled oats
1 1/4 teaspoon baking soda (make sure it’s fresh)
1 teaspoon baking powder (make sure it’s fresh)
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons very cold unsalted butter, cubed
2 or 3 tablespoons honey
1 3/4 cups buttermilk
1 large egg
2 teaspoons orange zest
1 cup dried currants
1/3 cup gold raisins

Monday, March 9, 2015

Celebrating National Meatball Day

Tomorrow is National Meatball Day, and to commemorate I wanted to post something really delicious, and incredibly ironic. These meatless meatballs are both.

That's right, we're going to celebrate National Meatball Day with a meat-free version that will have your guests wondering if they heard you correctly. Thanks to the magic of mushrooms, these really are amazing, and garner rave reviews from our vegetarian friends...okay, friend, but still. You can follow this link to read the original post and get the ingredient amounts. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Falafel – The Opposite of How These Will Make You Feel

Unlike most of America’s other favorite fast foods, falafel is rarely attempted at home, which is a shame, since it’s very simple to do, and even a relative novice like me can get some very decent results. One word of warning: you do need to know you’re going to have a craving for this a full day before you actually want to eat it.

Whipping up a batch of these after a late night at the bar is not going to work, since soaking the dry beans overnight is a crucial step. While you can use canned beans for this, word on the street is not to do it. Those are cooked, and apparently just aren’t as good.

As you’ll see, you don’t really need a deep fryer to do this, as they pan-fry quite nicely, but the model you see me using has some advantages. In addition to being less messy, a small fryer lets you achieve the precise temperature, which means your food crisps up perfectly, while absorbing virtually none of the fat. People have done studies, measuring the oil before-and-after frying, and when done properly, it’s remarkable how little oil is used.

No matter what method you use to cook yours, I think you’ll be surprised how close this is to your favorite falafel stand, assuming they used the exact ingredients and amounts I did, which may not be the case. So, be sure to taste and adjust until you get it just right. I really hope you get this try very soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 12 falafel balls:
1 cup dried garbanzo beans aka chickpeas
1/2 yellow onion, diced
4 cloves minced garlic
1/2 cup chopped Italian parsley
1 1/2 tsp salt, or to taste
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 rounded tablespoon flour
2 tsp lemon juice
- Fry at 350°F for about 5 minutes or until browned and crispy
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